Monday, May 30, 2011

Blog #15

Compare two of the organisms that we have dissected Discuss at least 2 similarities and 3 differences.

The frog and fish had differences and similarities that we have dissected. The frog had slimy skin while the fish had scales which made it scaly. Frogs move by using their jumpy legs and webbed feet. The fish moves by swimming. Fishes breathe by using their gills but frogs uses their lungs to breathe. Frogs and fishes both has their circulation closed. They also both show cephalization. Fishes shows cephalization in the brain, organ, and kidney while the frog shows cephalization everywhere. 

Blog #16

Reflect on your semester and year in biology What were your successes? What were your failures?

I had many successes and failures this year in biology. One of my successes was that i got through the first semester with an A in bio but now i have a C. The dissections were successes because it has taught me a lot about different kinds of animals like marine and land animals. One failure would be my biology notebook. It was a fail because I kept on losing track on what's suppose to be in my notebook. I always would have to compare my notebook with other people on my table to see what i was missing. The quizzes were also a failure to me. I sometimes would forget when the quizzes were closed so I ended up not doing it making me get a bad grade. 

Blog #14

Which specimen that we have dissected so far seems most like humans? Why?

The fish was very alike to humans. Their organs were similar to humans. Their liver, skull, stomach, kidney, intestine, and heart are very similar to humans and are important to survive. The fish doesn't look like humans but they still have similarities. 

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Blog #13

What was most interesting about this week's dissections?

 The most interesting dissection this week is the fish dissection. I liked how the fish's scales were rough and scaly. It was hard to cut unlike the other dissections. The gills were almost the same as the clam's gills. The fish dissection is the most interesting dissection this week because I like learning about marine animals and how they can breathe underwater.

Blog #12

What surprised you from the worm's dissection?

I wasn't surprised about anything in the worm dissection because I done a worm dissection when i was in eighth grade. When I dissected the worm in 8th grade i was surprised about how dirty worms are. I couldn't tell between the anus and the head of the worm until after the dissection. I was also surprised by how long the worm was. It didn't think it would be that long until i saw it.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Blog #11

Get a picture of alternation of generations put it in your blog and explain how it relates to plants

This cycle begins with a seed. The seed is planted and then will be waited to be grown. The plant grows from using the process of photosynthesis. When the plant is fully grown, insects will take the spore from the flower and hand it down to another flower. The spore will then go into the ovary and an egg will be produced. This egg will produce a fruit. As the fruit gets old the seeds will fall to the ground and this process repeats.