Thursday, February 24, 2011

Blog #4

Describe the three types of selection: directional, stabilizing and disruptive and give an example of each in your own words.

Directional selection is a mode of natural selection in which a single phenotype is favored, causing the allele frequency to continously shift in one direction. Stablizing selection is a type of natural selection in which genetic diversity decreasesas the population stablizes on a particular trait value. Disruptive selection describes the changes in population genetics in which extremem values for a trait are favored over intermediate values. An example for directinal selection is breeds of dogs. Dogs are used for this example bcause you can use directional selection to see which dog can run faster. an example for stablizing selection is baby birth weight. Babies with low weight loses heat more quickly and can get ill easily. An example for disruption selection would be if different color skin rabbits were placed in dark or white spots. They would hide from predators and see which rabbits with the same skin would blend in.

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