Thursday, April 7, 2011

Blog #9

Define the different forms of community interaction: competition, commensalism, mutualism, predation, parasitism Give an example and a picture for each

Predation is the interaction where a predator feeds on other organisms. An example would be people living on a ship and eat fishes. 

Competition is when organisms fights for survival and food. An example of competition would be the same animal fighting for a girl.

Commensalism is the relationship of two organisms, where one organism benefits but the other is neutral. An example of commensalism is a flatworm attaching to the horsecrab and eating the crab's food while the crab is unaffected.

Mutualism is the relationship where two organisms interact and both benefit. An example of mutualism is sea anemones and hermit crab. The sea anemones give protection to the crab using its stinging cells.
 Parasitism is relationship where one organism lives in other organism, where one benefit by harming the other one. Hookworms consuming blood from inside an animal's intestine.

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